Ayni Workshop

The Ancient Sacred Wisdom of Peru and Beyond,
The Way of The Shaman, The Wisdom of The Elders,
The Teachings of The Medicine People, The Healing of The Sages
Journeys to Peru and other Sacred Places, Healing, Guidance, Workshops, Classes
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Workshop: Ayni - Perfect Relationship

At the end of each year, we have a day of bringing ourselves into perfect relationship as we enter the new year. In this way, we can clear ourselves of engagements that were out of balance, energetically "settling our accounts. It is important that we all step in now and no longer put off what we have long known we have to do.

This one-day event gives you the opportunity to become clean and clear of any engagement that took you away from your original intent of being a Vessel of Light and being in service. This could be allowing what your Lower Self wanted rather than letting your Higher Self guide you. This could have taken many forms. Give yourself the gift of clarity and cleansing. In this way, you give the gift to all others.

Please note that all dates and pricing for our workshop retreats will be forthcoming after the current global situation is over. We are working to set dates and those will be here on our website and calendar when they have been. The following is information about the pricing and deposit so you know how that works. Each workshop retreat has a full description.


The cost for the workshop retreat includes the workshop, lodging, and food. A deposit is required to register and to confirm your reservation. The deposit, when it has been paid, is deducted from the total cost. If you are interested, have questions, to register, please call me at 732-533-7276 or send an e-mail to me at apusalkantay@aol.com. Upon registration, you will receive a packing list as well as address and directions to the retreat center.

Please click here to print the registration document.