
The Ancient Sacred Wisdom of Peru and Beyond,
The Way of The Shaman, The Wisdom of The Elders,
The Teachings of The Medicine People, The Healing of The Sages
Journeys to Peru and other Sacred Places, Healing, Guidance, Workshops, Classes
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These are endorsements of the firsthand accounts of people's experiences of Ayllusuyu's Sacred Journeys, workshops, private work, and more.

"Fran "sees" with vision, purpose, integrity and dedication ... Her guidance and work has been invaluable to the seeker and adventurer as she helps others step out of their comfort zone." E.A.

"I am feeling so amazingly wonderful. My family has seen such a transformation in me. More importantly, I feel so much better. I see and hear the guidance at times. Sometimes we dialogue. Sometimes I just smile and say, "Know what you know." It's become my mantra. I love my stones... love the energy and the meditations I receive from them. The women in my ayllu are a special gift. Each one so different and powerful in her own right. Such tremendous, beautiful women. I love them. I am so thankful to have connected with them. Mostly, I am so thankful to you for doing what you do. All of us are just beginning our transformations. I am so humbly grateful for your work. I've done a lot of workshops and classes in you name it...in the last two decades....nothing had the profound affect of this work. I mean nothing. Nothing came close. Like you said, this gets to the "core". It really, really works." D.T.

"The first time Fran and I worked together, I had an incredible experience. I saw a vision of the Creation of the Earth. I saw vast oceans, erupting volcanoes, hot lava changing into new lands and I heard the beautiful and high sound of Creation itself. This was so powerful and compelling, that I wanted to feel, see, hear, and know more about it. I became part of The Medicine Wheel. It helped me to discover and use my talents and see new opportunities of life. I was inspired to leave what was old and move into new life. I knew I was guided and moved by the creative force Fran helped me to see and feel." D.O.

"Being present and participating in Incan healing ceremonies has proven to be a profound spiritual gift. Feeling the energies of the Earth and Sky, as they present themselves during the ceremonies, is a delightful experience, which breaks down ego barriers and allows me to instantly feel and know, "I AM a daughter of the Light"! I feel I am a part of a greater whole and whole at the same time. This is what has happened since starting my journey upon the Medicine Wheel. Much Love and Light to those of us who feel a calling to the Earth and her Energy and the Sky and its Limitless Being - for the Incans have left us a straight and narrow path and Fran Russo has brought it home to us." T.C.

"The workshops Ayllusuyu offers have led me to understand and become conscious of the energetic at a subtle level. It's learning a new language of consciously embodied knowledge rather than learning belief systems. Being able to communicate and connect with a group at a high and clear level I can feel is something I haven't found the same in other workshops. It has helped me become conscious and clear the channel of guidance within to differentiate what is clear and what is heavy energy. I would recommend Ayllusuyu's work to students and teachers alike." J.K.

"You might say that you want world peace. Here is the opportunity to truly make a difference in the world in a very tangible way. I no longer have to say that I wish for a change in the world. I have seen how a small group of like-minded people can get together and truly create a shift. I feel so blessed to be part of the Advanced Chakana knowing that I, along with my ayllu, are making a major difference. I now hope and pray that many, many, many more people will step into this work that is so vital for the well-being of our world." M.F.

"I began the journey of the Medicine Wheel after yearning for an energetic community that was right in my own backyard. I found Fran's web site and hesitated for a few days before making the phone call that would change my life. I showed up for the South full of fear and excitement — I didn't know what I was getting into but I knew I had to be there. It was towards the end of this weekend that I knew I was slowly dying — not physically yet but energetically. Fran sensed this and told me that, by completing the Medicine Wheel journey, I would give new life to myself. I finally realized I had to make a choice. That weekend, I made a choice to live. Since that first Medicine Wheel, I have learned about the huachas that fed on my fears and kept me stuck. I became aware of old roles, agreements, and contracts that no longer served me but have also kept me stuck. I did the work of moving this stuck energy out of my body. And I still do the work when necessary as I become aware of the more subtle ways of huachas and know when I get stuck. I have been privileged to participate in many ancient ceremonies with Fran. My most life-changing experience was allowing primordial terror to move through me while in the Jaguar's den during the West Medicine Wheel. I faced the fears of many lifetimes. Afterwards, I saw the seques of light everywhere I looked. During the North Medicine Wheel, I saw a Corridor of Light (saway) right in front of me. Fran explained what it was. In a ceremony of the Northeast Medicine Wheel, I felt that I was actually sitting at the top of the mountains in Peru and I felt their powerful energy. I felt and heard the wind as it blew around me and through me. I felt the energy of Peru's sacred sites and was deeply moved by them. I have been challenged through this work to feel what I feel, know what I know, and to speak of this energy that I have known since I was a child. I have changed. I know from my core, I speak from my core. I am no longer the same person I was at the beginning of this journey. I am alive and I love being alive especially at this time on Earth." J.M.

"The healing journey of the Medicine Wheel begins with one step. Showing up. About four years ago, I made a commitment to myself to show up. That is one I will be ever grateful for throughout my life. Working in the Wheel has truly helped me to see where I had long hidden behind my stories, my roles and imaginings of who and what I am "supposed to be". I have come to know that there is real joy in life and true interconnectedness between all beings. We are Blessed Beings of Light. I have chosen to continue my work in The Wheel in service to others, as an apprentice, as I feel this journey of remembrance, release and self-discovery is one that all of us should take. It is my honor to be in service to the Sacred Ones that guide us and in this way, find my true path to life. All you have to do to find yourself is choose to show up. Going through the Medicine Wheel has felt like a lifting of the clouds of shadow, doubt and fear to create a deeper clarity and a better understanding of why and how my life is shaped the way it is. People that know me have commented on the changes they have seen in me, although subtle in appearance, they shine through. Going through The Wheel has given me an openness that has helped me to see the energetic lines of my life and to implement lasting change by going deep into the subtle places to bring forth the changes from the inside out, instead of struggling to change the outside and expecting the inside to follow suit." P.M.

"Since September 2007, I have been doing my personal energetic work in the Medicine Wheel with Fran Russo. I have felt huge changes in my thoughts and feelings, increased joy and inner peace. It feels like I've lost a thousand pounds of stuff that no longer serves me. During the course of The Medicine Wheel, I accepted the honor to become an apprentice. It is difficult to describe the awe I feel in serving a community that is so intent on embracing LIFE. It is nothing short of miraculous. As many of you know, I am very involved in the Spiritual/Holistic community. The Medicine Wheel is the most complete work I've ever seen. I urge you to take a closer look at joining The Medicine Wheel and the work that Ayllusuyu offers and gift yourself with the life you always knew you could have. Make the call NOW and commit to doing whatever it takes to create the life you've been dreaming of." M.F.

"I went through the experience of the Medicine Wheel. Its teachings and experiences gave me a firm foundation of which has helped me in my healing practice today. To not be in ego, yet owning your power is a tricky, but extremely powerful and important lesson for healers. During my time in this process, I had what was one of my most powerful and very real spiritual experiences to date, the night Jaguar came to me. Not only did I discover my connection to the God in all things through this work, but also how to listen, and observe for the Universe's subtle messages that teach and guide us all, every day. It's there if you know how to hear, see and feel it, and this is just one of the lessons I learned through the Medicine Wheel. Working with our Mother Earth, the animals and the seen and unseen is so important at this time on our planet, and it yields the most incredible lessons you will ever learn about you, others and the world around you. It was one of the most important things I ever did for myself and my development as a healer." E.S.

"I've both traveled to Peru with Fran and worked privately with her. Without doubt, she has been Divinely placed in my life to support my spiritual growth. Our work together is grounded in her wisdom and ability to serve as a pure, sacred, channel. Through her guidance, I've learned to more easily connect with Spirit. Fran has helped me uncover and remove self-created limitations. Most importantly, she's helped me understand that all answers lie within my intuitive self. Her guidance helps me attune to that and discover my own, unlimited Divinity." J.D.

"Through Fran Russo and the journey she led in Peru, my life is enriched in ways I couldn't imagine before. I have come to know consciously who I really am, I am able to feel and better understand the energetics, and I am able to live as my higher self more and more. I am so grateful for her insightful guidance, loving support, and fearless leadership. She is a woman of valor and a dedicated teacher. It has been an honor and a privilege to work with Fran Russo." L.P.

"I have traveled to Peru with Fran and found the trip to be absolute magic. To stand where the Inca have stood, and to work in ceremony with the indigenous people of Peru touched me more than I can adequately describe. What Peru gave to me was the ability to see myself as I truly am, with no roles, no belief systems telling me who to be. It helped me to touch on the primal essence, the true person that resides within me. Bringing that back to my everyday life has opened up so much for me that I never really thought possible. When you go to Peru with Fran, she is taking you home to meet her family and come to know her country." P.M.

In July of 1998, my husband and I went with Fran Russo to Peru for a two-week trip to Machu Picchu and the Sacred Mountains. We spent most of the time in the amazing company of the Q'ero, who are the pure-blood lineage of the ancient Inca. I had been suffering from endometriosis, and had recently had a second surgery in April of that year. I knew when I received Fran's letter about the trip that I needed to go. Till this day, this journey to Peru remains one of the most inspirational journeys I have ever had the good fortune to take. I learned that I have strength, both inner and outer, that I never thought imaginable. I was challenged on this trip, but in a very special way, and I know I came away from the experience not the same person who began that journey. While I was there, we participated in many sacred ceremonies with the Q'ero, one in particular, which was a soul retrieval ceremony was truly a life changing experience for me. I believe that this trip along with the follow up work I did when I returned from Peru cured me of my illness. Endometriosis is a medical illness with no known conventional cure, however I am completely healed and have been for many years now. Today I work with two very special communities of light workers, but it all started many years ago when I met Fran. She started me on the path, and my journey continues to this day." L.K.

"The ways of Peru have helped me to awaken to more love and gentleness then I ever knew. It has helped me to balance my being and stand up and speak up for myself much more quickly and with much more fun than traditional counseling ever did. It awakened my spirit to all that is and helped me to get in touch with spiritual dimensions that continue to bring more peace and love to my being." M.S.

"Through the Eyes Of Jaguar: One Woman's Journey was insightful in a sense that it reaffirmed guidance I have received throughout my journey in The Medicine Wheel. It provided a way to show my friends who are interested in The Medicine Wheel what it's all about, far better than I could tell them. It's written in such a smooth, clear way, and no part of it was dense or stuck. It flowed well from start to finish. The messages conveyed were all simple and to the point." J.K.

"What a wonderful, authentic book! It is both honest and engaging. The pages are filled with jaguar wisdom and practical also. Congratulations." E.A.

"This book is for anyone who wants to learn from an inside perspective on spiritual journey and wisdom of a shaman. Fran's spiritual lineage is that of the Incas. She is completely at home among the people, mountains and jungles of Peru. She is the real thing and Through the Eyes of Jaguar is not to be missed." D.F.

A message from Peru given by Fran Wolf
A Poem written by L. R.

Reminded us once again of this pace to go
In words and meditation we traveled
To visit the jungle which then unravel
In soul where we could fly to the Andes
The Apus — mountains above a breeze
Carrying consciousness back in time
When every breath connected with the sublime
A story woven as on a colorful fabric
Brought by chaskas who traveled
To bring messages from one place to another
In realization that all is one with our brothers
The significance of serpent, puma and condor
Helps explain the mysteries of where we are
In our path to see soul revelation
Assisted by Ayahuasca medicine
Slowly the patterns of past lives in Peru
Are revealed by accepting a shaman's brew
And releasing all our ego trappings
We realize in simplicity what is happening
Realize our identity and our totem
Our shadow side brought out to the open
So that our true self in light and in love
Can connect below as it is above
Thus we rejoice in the lessons unveiled in Peru
And returned to our homes with new points of view.