Ayllu Community + Chulla Union
These words are Quechua, one of the native languages of Peru. I have come to realize that Quechua words are the sounds of Nature and, often, the core essence of the spoken word. These are two of the Core Principles that the Q'ero live their lives by.
Ayllu: Community. I have yet to find another word that best describes what a community actually is, as the word, Ayllu, is pronounced “I U.”
Chulla: Union. When ayllu puts all their resources together in union, what can happen is truly a magical miracle.
These are The Intents through which we will travel in The Cloth of Creation.
Discover how deeply rooted you are in these simple yet profound core wellsprings of life!
The Cloth of Creation is a call to action to each and every one of us.
Join us on Monday evenings at 7:30 PM!
It is a historical fact that, in times of crisis,
people of High Intent came together.
Their Intent brought about the deflection and, often, stopped the chaos
that those who wanted what they were not entitled to from happening.
This is what we are being Called to do now.
So why do we have to do this?
Because there are those who want what they are not entitled to and would do whatever they want
for their own personal gain and ego ruthlessly without regard to the harm it does to anyone or anything.
So why is it our “job” to do anything about this?
Because we are the conscious ones and know that what has to be done must be done
to awaken a spark of Sacred Enlightenment in all.
In The Cloth of Creation, we will gather energetically with One Intent to do just that. What we will do is not as any
one person, one group, one people would have it nor is it to coerce, rather in the natural flow of what is meant to be.
Together, we weave the Hope, the Joy, the Peace, the Love, the Inspiration that each and every one of us can make the leap up here on high neutral grounds where the Energetics are lifting and moving higher at speeds as never known before.
Okay, folks,
Let's get together and get this done.
Join us as we participate together in bringing
the global communities together and the global consciousness higher.
Your participation does make a difference.
When we gather our strengths, our ayllus, our clans, our intents together into One Strength, One Ayllu, One Clan, One Intent, we bring the old, low vibrations that have been running rampant into the high resonance of this evolution of all life into new life. We can no longer stay on low trails and continue to get caught in the low vibrations streaming there. Together, we bring forth an intact state of Higher Sacred Peace and lower physical world peace, so we can have calm waters again.
We are up here on high neutral grounds now.
The Energetics are lifting and moving higher now.
What has long been predicted by cultures
all over the world for centuries is happening now.
The group of people who join us see
how vital it is for all of us to get together
to bring the Sacred Foundation of Pachamama back into its natural intact state.
Join us as we continue to weave anew
the Kaypacha, The Canopy of Light,
that sustains us all and strengthen our energetic bodies.
Together we journey deep within to bring the strength of peace into a world that has been and continues to be buffeted about by the winds of chaos creating discord throughout all peoples and all nations through the desperate need to defend personal motives by so many. We perceive that there are viruses, not only physically, that affect us all and what we can do to eliminate them.
Margaret Mead once said,
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it's the only thing that ever has.”
Are you part of that group? The change of the world that is spoken of begins at The Energetic. How do you participate in creating the change? Are you willing to participate in creating the change, not as you would have it, rather as it is meant to be.
There is a way to do just that.
No, it's not fantasy or science fiction.
It's real stuff, folks.
You can be part of it.
Here's how.
The Cloth of Creation goes well beyond your life as it expands into all life. Let's have a look at The Energetic of this world. The Kaypacha, the energetic grid of the Pachamama, Mother Earth, is where the flow of the energies is. During this call, you have the opportunity to observe the global consciousness in the world now. It may surprise you. Through guided journey, we perceive the resonance, that sense of when something feels intact and when it doesn't. You will be actually participating in doing what you have always said you wanted to do if you could find a way to do it. You are assisting in the healing of the physical manifestations as they are in the world today. It is as best serves all, not as any individual would have it.
We call on The Sacred Mountains to guide us as they are The Bridges of The Star Beings of Light.
While we work, we have a Sacred Altar with us. For those of you who have mesas, please have your mesa with you. For those of you who do not have mesas, have something of The Sacred with you.
The Cloth of Creation is on Monday evenings every two weeks from 7:30 PM to 8:45 PM EST or the equivalent time where you are. The next date for The Cloth of Creation is August 29 and then every other Monday after that.
We ask that you are in a quiet place so that surrounding noises won't disturb you or the others who will be with us during the journey. If you join in while the journey is in progress, we ask that you enter quietly and wait to announce yourself later when the lines are no longer muted.
While there is no fee for this, any donation you would like to make is appreciated and gratefully accepted. If you cannot make a donation, you are welcome to join us. If you can and want to, you can do that through PayPal or by check. Please send a message with your e-mail address to me by e-mail at apusalkantay@aol.com and then I will send the PayPal link or the mailing address to you.